

CEG economists have assisted parties on a number of high-profile transactions before European and national competition authorities. We use advanced economic theory and quantitative modelling techniques to assess the relevant markets, evaluate the likely competitive effects, and quantify efficiencies.

Abuse of dominance

CEG experts have advised on major Article 102 cases and national equivalents before the European Commission, national competition authorities and courts. A coherent theory of harm – or lack thereof – is a crucial component of the modern effects-based approach to antitrust. This entails assessing whether a firm is able to harm the competitive process, and whether its actions in fact do so. We have substantial experience in applying economic theory and empirical techniques to address these issues.


CEG economists have substantial experience of applying economics to Article 101 cases and national equivalents before European and national authorities. Documentary evidence is often inconclusive on its own and needs to be evaluated in light of quantitative data. An analysis of empirical evidence allows the documentary evidence to be put into context and interpreted correctly. Our ability to handle and synthesise large amounts of data, coupled with detailed industry knowledge, allows us support our clients throughout the cartel proceedings.